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Student Leadership

We encourage students to take ownership of their school and to learn independence. As such we have created systems that allow students a degree of self governance in order for them to practice the exercise of democracy and self control.


Student council

Every year group from year 3 and up will elect two students to represent them on the student council. The student council is a body that meets once a week. Each meeting takes one hour that would normally be allocated to nonacademic pursuits. At each meeting students discuss what is important to them. This can be goals or desires of the student body, issues they’d like to see addressed, or plans for the future. These items are discussed with a representative of the teaching staff who will take their ideas and concerns to the principal of the school to see if they can be addressed.

In the past, the student council of BST has been responsible for themed special days, planning holiday parties, beautification projects around the school, and more.


Head boy and head girl

From the representatives in years 7 and higher, there will be an election to choose a head boy and head girl. these two heads will have ultimate responsibility for setting the agenda and running the council, as well as representing both the council and the school at official functions or ceremonies.