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School Governance

Legal Structure

The British School of Tirana is an independent school part of the British School ofTirana Education Group. This Education Group`s purpose is the promotion of British education and culture in Albania. The British School of Tirana sh.p.k is a commercial entity responsible for all the teaching and management activity. The role of the Boardof Governors, like in any other school in the UK is to ensure the highest standard of education and care is offered to the pupils.

Governance of the School

The School is governed by a Board of Governors and follows best practice as far as the governance of a British independent school is concerned. The School’s Headteacher and Administrative Director attend all the Board meetings.


The Board currently consists of:

  • One parent governor
  • One ex-officio governor – representing the local education authorities in Tirana as required by the Albanian law on education
  • Three independent governors – including two heads of schools in the UK.


Together the Board brings a range of experience and skills to the governance of the School and focuses on strategic development. Parent governors serve up to a maximum of two four-year terms of office. The ex-officio and independent governors provide a valuable input to the governance of the School. Just as the School as a whole is subject to regular inspection, so governance of the School too is subject to scrutiny by associations of which the School is a member, such as COBIS (Council of British International Schools), etc.

Peter Maunder B.Ed NLE – Chair of the Board

As Chair of the Board of Directors, Peter Maunder works closely with the Headteacher and other directors in providing support and challenge to the British School of Tirana as we strive to create a community of vibrant and global thinkers. Peter has 35 years teaching experience in schools in the UK. He held the post of Principal for 29 years in three different schools. The UK Govt. Inspection Agency – Ofsted – in four consecutive inspections -judged his last school – Oldway School – to be Outstanding.

He was a Director of Leading Schools South West, a company that delivered the full suite of Leadership Programmes for the National College for Teaching and Learning and was an International Leadership Consultant for the British Council.


Peter was a National Leader of Education and Director of Torbay Teaching School Alliance. He served the National College for School Leadership as Leadership Development Advisory Board member representing Primary Education in England.

Mr Maunder comments: ‘It is a privilege to be contributing to the development of the British School of Tirana as the Chair of the board of Directors. We aim to provide a high quality British style curriculum education for the young people of Tirana attending the school, so that they acquire the skills and qualifications they need to enter (or re-enter) the British education system or Albanian system. We aim to give our children the skills, knowledge and values they need to prosper both at home and in a wider globalised society.


In my last school the Government inspectors wrote to the pupils to say “We would like to let you know that we found your school to be excellent. It is one of the best in the country and a wonderful place in which to learn and play.” I want the same thing for the pupils of the British School of Tirana” and will work with staff, parents and pupils to achieve it.

Sally Maunder B.Ed – Vice chair
Fozilet Simoni – Governor
Gentjana Sula – Governor
Aida Breti – Governor


Emails sent to the Board address, secretary @britishschooloftirana.al will be forwarded to the governors subject to the procedures set out in the Concerns & Complaints Policy.