Life @ BST

At British School of Tirana, the education of the ‘whole child’ is at the heart of our philosophy. In the Early Years Nursery and the Primary School, the class teacher is responsible for the general well-being, as well as the academic development of their students. We want the time they spend at the school to be a happy and secure one. In the Secondary School, this is the role of the Form Tutor.


Weekly assemblies are often devoted to social themes, and children receive regular lessons in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). As its title suggests, this programme introduces students to areas that do not feature on academic courses but which have a great role in their lives, in the immediate and short term: to mention just a few of these, the role of family; relationships; leading a healthy lifestyle; and an introduction to notions of civic responsibility.


In order to help our students flourish at British School of Tirana, we expect tutor groups to make a notable contribution to the social life of the school, not least by undertaking charity events and activities designed to keep up and improve the appearance of the site and locality.


The welfare of your child is of paramount interest to teachers at British School of Tirana. A focus on open communication with parents and addressing problems before they escalate, as well as recognising the great things the students bring to the school – all of this ensures that our students thrive in the positive environment that the British School of Tirana offers.

(Alb) Hapet programi i bursave pranë British School of Tirana për nxënësit ekselentë të klasave 9, 10, 11 dhe 12 të arsimit parauniversitar për vitin shkollor 2024-25.

Regjistroni interesin tuaj në formën në link për të marrë pjesë në testimin kualifikues dhe për të përfituar nga bursat në masën 50% të tarifës vjetore.

Afati për aplikim 12 Prill 2024
Data e testimit 20 Prill 2024




(Eng) Please express your interest for the newly launched Scholarship Program of the BST for school year 2024-2025.

Scholarships for the value of -50% of the annual tuition fee are available for excellent students in grade 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Deadline for the expression of interest is 12th of April 2024. Expression of interest form can be accessed in the link.
Date for the qualifying examination is 20 April 2024.