
Parents are kept informed on children’s progress through a variety of methods including the online platforms called Tapestry for the Early Years and Seesaw for school students, both are online platforms by registration that offer updates on children progress as per all areas of the English National Curriculum including photo illustration and comments/ feedback from teachers and notification on homework. Parent Evenings are held termly, in autumn and spring for all year groups. A parent conference is organised very early after the new school year starts so all the necessary information is given put to parents. Additional meetings with teachers or other school representatives are organised as needed and by appointment.

Each year group receives 4 written reports during the course of the academic year following 4 assessment organised on termly bases. These record attainment as well as attitude to learning and identify next step targets.


There is very little homework in primary school and it is mainly reading books at home, either from the Library or from the online platform that support English learning. Parents are also kept informed of the learning objectives on monthly basis and additional tasks are sent to them via the online communication and management system (Seesaw) of the school to support children at home with the most challenging tasks or project work.

(Alb) Hapet programi i bursave pranë British School of Tirana për nxënësit ekselentë të klasave 9, 10, 11 dhe 12 të arsimit parauniversitar për vitin shkollor 2024-25.

Regjistroni interesin tuaj në formën në link për të marrë pjesë në testimin kualifikues dhe për të përfituar nga bursat në masën 50% të tarifës vjetore.

Afati për aplikim 12 Prill 2024
Data e testimit 20 Prill 2024




(Eng) Please express your interest for the newly launched Scholarship Program of the BST for school year 2024-2025.

Scholarships for the value of -50% of the annual tuition fee are available for excellent students in grade 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Deadline for the expression of interest is 12th of April 2024. Expression of interest form can be accessed in the link.
Date for the qualifying examination is 20 April 2024.