After School Clubs

The extracurricular programme represents a great opportunity for children to relax, have fun, make new friends and try a new challenge. After school clubs take place in various locations, both inside and outside of school.


We are proud to offer clubs run by our own teachers as well as external teachers/coaches. Clubs vary from sports, through music to curriculum-based support, arts, ICT and life skills. There are clubs for both Primary and Secondary students.


Involvement in the extra-curricular programme presents students with the opportunity to develop all sorts of skills including those acquired through teamwork, as well as hidden talents. Clubs are also a great way for pupils to get to know others outside their year group, to work with different teachers and improve their physical fitness.


A list of after-school clubs offered at BST can be downloaded on this page or collected from the school secretary.

(Alb) Hapet programi i bursave pranë British School of Tirana për nxënësit ekselentë të klasave 9, 10, 11 dhe 12 të arsimit parauniversitar për vitin shkollor 2024-25.

Regjistroni interesin tuaj në formën në link për të marrë pjesë në testimin kualifikues dhe për të përfituar nga bursat në masën 50% të tarifës vjetore.

Afati për aplikim 12 Prill 2024
Data e testimit 20 Prill 2024




(Eng) Please express your interest for the newly launched Scholarship Program of the BST for school year 2024-2025.

Scholarships for the value of -50% of the annual tuition fee are available for excellent students in grade 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Deadline for the expression of interest is 12th of April 2024. Expression of interest form can be accessed in the link.
Date for the qualifying examination is 20 April 2024.